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Yeguada Raemy
Yeguada Raemy
Yeguada Raemy

Zucht von edlen P.R.E Pferden
Zucht von edlen P.R.E Pferden

Breeding of noble P.R.E. horses

(Pura Raza Espagnola)

I have been intensively involved with horses for over 50 years and have spent my free time in the stables since I was a teenager. During this time I got to know many horse breeds. My openness to learn about all the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of different breeds has helped me a lot to develop a great expertise.

At some point I arrived at the Spanish horse and realised that, in my opinion, there is no comparable horse breed in terms of nobility, intelligence and honesty towards humans. The fiery and at the same time gentle temperament of these noble horses is second to none. The versatility of these horses is absolutely unique.

My numerous trips to Spain, my intensive study of the breed back to prehistoric times have enabled me to receive the best possible advice from professional breeders when building up my breeding. The tradition and passion for these horses in Spain, the country of origin, have captivated me to such an extent that I regularly visit the FINCA in GIRONA, where my breed is located.

Until today I have bred more than 60 horses (P.R.E.), some of which belong to the absolute top. I concentrate on breeding the pure Cartujanos ( Estirpe Cartujano ) The Cartujano is a recognised cultural asset and is the oldest pure bred horse breed in the world, which is documented in the stud book. The Cartujano is the pearl of Spanish horses.

I also breed P.R.E., which all go back to the ancient successful breeding families of Spain. The aim is to make sure that there is a certain regularity (consolidation) in the bloodlines. This consistency has more than proven itself and has produced excellent horses.

All the horses we breed grow up in a herd.
They are regularly wormed, vaccinated and receive all the vitamins and trace elements that guarantee optimal growth from the age of 1.


Have fun looking at my website.

Rolf Raemy




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