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Soraya YR Estirpe Cartujano filly

Soraya YR Estirpe Cartujano Filly
Soraya YR Estirpe Cartujano Stutfohlen
Soraya YR Estirpe Cartujano Filly

Soraya YR  a pure Cartujano filly, her sire Quinceanero was sold to Holland where he is trained as a dressage horse. Soraya YR has class and breed. Her gait is outstanding and we are very excited to see how she will develop.


Quinceanero YPA

Mensajero XXII

Hacendoso XXIII


Estimado IV

Soraya YR Estirpe Cartujano filly

Senadora MLG

Ilustrado XX

Espartano IV

Ilustrada XIII

Hechicera CLIX
Mensajaero XXII
LL- Ilustrada II